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In my [ABLE] Aesthetic Skill training course, Beauty is an Art.

I quote “In your expert hands, a client transformed elegantly with a unique look, exclusive to one self, none the same as another.”

Our Aesthetic enhancements skills are mindful, safe; non-invasive to minimally invasive procedures that are current, peer reviewed and scientific without the need for surgery and its long recovery time.

Our team constantly upgrade ourselves and regularly review technicality and revisit scientific proof with our mentors and peers.

This NEW chapter of beauty in the digital media ERA has given birth to younger and influential people coming into aesthetic enhancement with higher demand for safety and efficacy.

So come gain [ABLE] Aesthetic framework and skills, that you can surely attain with our specialized international team.

Contact us for a no obligation information and class schedule for your earliest enrolment, TODAY!

Dr. Tham S.L.